Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesdays can be a little blurry… Day 677 21SEP10

Tuesday's can be a little blurry for Joshua thanks to the methotrexate he takes on Monday. It makes it hard for him to focus for more than an half an hour or so. Which definitely makes getting school work done a little challenging. We did, at his request, log our first little bit of hammock time today. 

The weather was pretty good and their was a nice breeze blowing. It was great to finally be able to pull out the hammock after its long sumer rest. 

After lunch we headed into the Children's Cancer Center for tutoring. Joshua did okay for a little while and then totally lost focus so we called it a day. Renee and the kids headed home, I went off to work for a bit. 


Laura and Frank said...

Nice to see you taking it easy after a busy Monday and funfilled weekend. Sometimes you just have to make some hammock time! Great pic! Love, Laura and Frank

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Oh glory be - the hammockians are back! Love your smile - just wish your Dad would show us his.

Hope the fog lifts soon.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
