Heat pump. Why do they call it a heat pump? When it gets really cold outside, like tonight, it doesn't pump much heat. Tonight's weather; 23 degrees, freeze watch, hard freeze warning, wind chill advisory. We will manage to stay warm, I am afraid the flora and fauna of Florida may not fair very well. As I scan through the weather it appears that it is pretty much cold everywhere tonight, I hope all of you stay warm.
I still can not get used to the fact that, sometimes, right before I go to work I have to give my child his chemo drugs. It seems normal enough, strangely, when we are at home.
But when you get to work and people ask, "how is your day going?", it gives one pause. "Okay I guess... Josh is tolerating his cytarabine today and the zofran seems to be working, how about you... "
It's so nice to see you guys outside getting fresh air - even if it is cold. You look just awesome and I can't wait to see you on Saturday :) (you aren't doing Gasparilla this year are you?) Maybe it will warm up a little. I know it's hard on you, Lee, to give the nasty drugs, but they do work and they aren't forever. Just seem a little too sci-fi sometimes when you are doing it. Renee, I know you were all snuggled up last night and it's a great feeling knowing you had your babies all together. I think of you all the time and pray often for a quick end to this and nothing but good scnas, blood work and all the other things that involve needles. Love, Laura
DAY 84 MAN!!! =) YAY you and Jarrod finally are back up on the ship. =) Thats great monkey man its freezing outside!! Christian is freezing his butt off. heehee. We are coming over this weekend!! Hows school going for you guys love bug? All good i hope. =) I am very happy that you had another good day. Keep up the awesome work monkey. And i will let you know if i hear anything about your relative. ; ) Love you mom and dad you are doing great and just keep your heads up and spirits high. =) see you soon.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
I love seeing you and Jarrod outside although it's kind of strange seeing you in hats and coats!!! Brrrrrrrrrr. It looks like the whole country is under a super cold spell. I hope the Florida crops don't bite the ice bucket - those of us that love orange juice and grapefruit and all those other yummy things will be in deep trouble. I remember the last time Florida had a bad freeze - you had to get a bank loan to buy orange juice.
I hope the Chemo is doing it's job and helping you kick those nasty cancer cells out of your life forever.
Stay warm, snuggle with your family and keep on fighting.
Love, hugs and kisses
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