Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Movies and Books... Day 258 28JUL09

Today was a relaxing day with a little bit of fun thrown in. It was a little cloudy this morning when the boys finally decided to crawl out of bed, so we decided to hit the movie theater. We saw G-Force and then took a trip to Barnes & Noble for more books for Jarrod. Around dinner time we went over to our cousins house so Jarrod and Joshua could play with Dallas and Brent. They had a good time playing all the games on everything from X-Box to Wii. We came home early so the boys could rest up. We are picking up their cousins tomorrow so they can come and hang at the beach. Hopefully it will be a beautiful, sunny day!


Mrs. Lewis said...

So glad to hear your trip is awesome, that's great! I'm up extra early today because my sister called at 4:30 AM to say that they were heading to the hospital. So Talon's little sibling will be born today and I can't wait to see if I'll have a niece or a nephew - I'll keep you guys posted, hope the weather cooperates for ya!!!
Ms. Lydia

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

New life joining the extended family today - how wonderful!

Glad to hear you are all having a great time. I'm missing the photos but am having fun conjuring images in my mind.

Have a beautiful day.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

No fair dude =( I wanna see G-force!!! ; )My favorite part in the commercials is the part where the 3 of them say "poop in his hand, poop in hand." hahah You gotta tell me how good it was. =) You got to play x-box hu, thats something new Joshy. =) You guys must be having tons of fun up there. Well i cant wait for you guys to come home and tell me all about it and show me all the pictures. =) I hope tomorrow is nice and sunny for the beach! Love you tons


Laura and Frank said...

What a wonderful day - books & movies. My favorite things also! I'm so glad you are getting time with your cousins in Michigan:)
Love, Laura