Sunday, July 26, 2009

Race to Mackinac... Day 255 25JUL09

Joshua and Jarrod enjoyed a day of better weather today When I called at lunchtime they were at the beach watching the sailboats that started racing today from Port Huron to Mackinac Island. Jarrod went down with Pa this morning to hear the bagpipes and see the boats go down the St. Claire river in preparation for the start.

Renee didn't get a chance to send any pictures this evening but I am sure there will be some more for tomorrow. I miss them but I know they are having a great time and the rest and relaxation will do them all a world of good.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

I think I'm beginning to enjoy the ordinary postings on your blog. No hospital stays, no chemo, no blood need for more bravery beads. I know it's just a short respite. I hope all of you enjoy every single second of it.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Laura and Frank said...

It's so nice to know that everything is going so well in Michigan. I loved the pictures of the beach but got cold looking at them. Enjoy yourselves and know you are loved by so many!


Jamie(Sister) said...

Racing sailboats hu? Sounds like fun... =) Cant wait to see more picture. I am very glad to hear everyone is having a great time up there, relaxing and enjoying the time off from the crazy, busy life at home. =) I love you guys and cant wait til you come home!!! Hope the weather continues to be sunny up there.