He got home at lunchtime and spent the afternoon playing inside because it is just plain hot outside. I mean melt your shoes to the pavement hot. Like iron in a forge hot. Its hot. After Jamie and Christian left we did our normal sushi sunday dinner and then played on the Wii for a while. Josh is so good at all the games and is darn hard to beat. But he is a good sport and is always fun to play with.
While he was waiting his turn to play next Joshua wandered in and asked if he could make some music with my theremin. It is something I built while the kids were up at the beach house. Joshua really likes making music and he has a knack for it. I look forward to playing music with him for a long time. He graciously allowed me to film his performance.
Tomorrow Josh will head back to the clinic for labs to check and see how his counts are holding up. Let's hope they are still high and hanging in there.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Cool music! I have never heard of nor seen a theremin but I want one! Explain to all of us (who are ignorant of this wonderful gadget) just what it is and how it works.
Got my fingers crossed that your counts are still up there and you are able to continue kickin cancer butt like the Mighty Warrior you are.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
You make some pretty good music Joshy. =)
That thing is soo cool Lee. Gotta show us how it works next weekend when we come over. =)
We had so much fun with you Joshua!! You are so much fun to be around and Christian loves playing the wii and getting his butt kicked by you. ;) haha We will have to plan a weekend for you AND Jarrod to come over and stay the night!! That would be awesome because then mommy and daddy get a break from you two busy boys. =)
Well im sure your counts are high love bug and that salmon did its job again. ;)
Love you tons and see you this weekend.
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