The rest of the day was consumed by school work and general household mayhem. Tomorrow Joshua will get a visit from his homebound teacher in the morning and I am sure send the rest of the day being a "normal" seven year old.
Joshua was diagnosed with T Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on 14NOV08. This blog is a way for Joshua to share his battle plans with all of his friends. We will try and keep it updated as much as we can. Please feel free to leave comments, pictures, etc... all of Joshua's hospital locations have internet access and he will read them as often as he can. Thank You to everyone for all of their thoughts and prayers! Keep them coming!
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
I'm glad you're counts are back in the "good" range and you're back on schedule.
What an amazing collection of bravery beads! It looks like it's long enough to wrap around the outside of the house.
Have a wonderful day and do only fun things.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Look at all of those bravery beads Joshua!! Oh my gosh can you believe that all of those beads stand for every thing that you have gone through since last November and there are even more things that you have been brave through and havent gotten beads for! =) Those beads are a true sign of how strong and brave you are Joshy! I love you tons and you are doing a great job at fighting this all the way to the end and then some!!! =)
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