Thursday, December 16, 2010

Weird weather… Day 762 16DEC10

I know that anyone who is reading this that does not live in Florida may not want to hear the next bit. Our ever weirder weather has shifted again and it was almost 70 today with the sun shining brightly. Hard to plan your winter wardrobe out around these parts :) Joshua had a normal day at home doing school work and such. Jarrod is very close to finishing up school for this year and he is pretty excited about being done. When I got home the boys were running around outside in t-shirts playing hockey, Jarrod wasn't even wearing shoes. I managed to get a little "ice" time in before it got dark and Renee called us in for dinner. Tomorrow is my last day of work before our Christmas break which will give me two weeks at home with the family and a much needed rest from work and traveling.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Yeah! 70 degrees and Dad is going to be home for the next two weeks. What a treat for all.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Ann said...

Our weather has been the same as you. 70's one day, and then the next is 34. No wonder Larry is having a hard time breathing.
I got my calender from the cancer center, and I am going to enjoy the month of April. Two of my favorite boy are there.
At least you get to keep your home for the holidays. Hugs to all, Ann