Wednesday, July 1, 2009

10,000 visits... Day 230 30JUN09

Today was a good day to stay inside all day, it has been raining non-stop. Jarrod and I went to the hospital to see Joshua this afternoon and he is pretty much the same as yesterday. His counts dropped ever so slightly. He was a little less active this afternoon than he has been. He had plenty of energy to play several rounds of Uno and Connect Four.

Today we got our 10,000th visit to Joshua's blog. I am overwhelmed and amazed at the number of times it has been read. I never expected to see a number like that. A huge thanks to everyone that keeps tabs on our little warrior. It helps more than you could ever know.

I have been decorating gloves for Joshua since the day he was diagnosed so here is the latest line up.
Staring on the right we have Chickenstien, then Count Chickula, and then Moe. The one on the far left is my best work ever...

Josh got a visit from Preston today and I will have the video of their plasmacart race on the blog tomorrow. I didn't get it from Renee today. So stay tuned...


Mrs. Lewis said...

We did the same thing with the gloves when Reagan was in the hospital, I guess boredom leads to creativity! Atleast the sun wasn't teasing Josh, we were all stuck indoors. Tell him I said hi, I'm one of the thousand clicks that read & pray daily. I wish my other students had blogs, too! We're about to go on vacation, but my dad has internet, so I can still check in and hopefully come visit when we get back!!!
Ms. Lydia

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

I'm not surprised at how many visitors you have had. You are one very much loved mighty warrior who has a fan club spread all across the Country!

The gloves are a hoot! I can't wait to see the plasmacar race.

Hope you have an energized day and your counts start going up. Keep kickin that staph in the butt just like you kick cancer butt.

Hang tough mighty warrior - you are The Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Laura and Frank said...

Fantastic - 10,000 clicks and I am very proud to be included in the count! Dreary day yesterday and looks like more of the same today. I did get the "scourge" and came home sick yesterday, so it's a good thing I didn't come up to see you on Monday.

I love the glove people and think there's a whole new board game in that concept. I have enjoyed watching the races and Dr. Wynn with Jarrod was hilarious. Good job Jarrod.

Keep your chins up and continue to find things to do to entertain. Love, Laura

Jamie(Sister) said...

AWESOME DUDE!!! Looks like daddy is making you some friends to hang with. =) They look like they could be lots of fun.. ;) We are going to try to make it up there when christian gets home today after we go grocery shopping.... =) Hows that sound. I miss you guys. And i think the baby miss her Uncle Joshua playing and tickleing her.. ;) See you soon monkey