Monday, August 10, 2009

Counts are good... Day 271 10AUG09

Joshua went to the clinic this morning to get a CBC to check his counts. I am thrilled to report that his counts are up and looking pretty good. His ANC was 2400! The next few months the doctors will keep modifying his meds until they can put everything in balance.

Later Joshua got to go play with one of his oldest friends Carly. He went over to her house to visit and Renee said he had a wonderful time. It is really wonderful that Joshua is able to be a "normal" little boy for a change. It does him a lot of good.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

It does us all good that you get to be a 'normal' kid again. I love hearing that you are doing all the things you want and having fun.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior - you are The Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

YAY I knew your counts were still high!! =) And theyve gotten high since the last time havent they..? Thats awesome Joshua! I hope you had lots of fun with your friend Carly. =) Im so happy that you are getting to to be a "Normal" 7 year old boy again. =)
Love you tons monkey and see you guys this weekend.


Laura and Frank said...

Joshua, You rock! Maintenance and checking counts! So glad you are kicking cancer butt once again. The pictures are fantastic and we are so happy for you and your family. Love, Laura & Frank