Saturday, November 7, 2009

Soccer... Day 360 07NOV09

We got up early this morning and headed off to meet the kids at Taylor's final soccer game of the season. He played very well and did a great job of protecting his goal. The kids had a great time last night as expected. They were also pretty tired today, as expected. So we all took it kind of easy today. Not hard considering what a lovely day it was outside. I put up the hammock for Renee, Jarrod and Josh played in the sandbox, I worked for a while and then took the rest of the day off.

Joshua received a nice box of stuff from the Cool Kids Campaign including a button that reads "Cancer Fears Me!" He proudly wore it when we went up to fetch groceries this afternoon. He was a little unsure that cancer actually feared him but I told him that it definitely did, that is was terrified of him and would stay away from his body. He told me several times on the way home, "You know what dad?" "What?" I would reply. "Cancer fears me." "Yes love it does...".

Joshua kept going right up until he crashed right about 7:30 this evening. I was watching a show with Jarrod and Joshua came up and laid in my lap and promptly fell fast asleep. He woke up when we were getting him ready for bed and made me promise to double up on reading tomorrow since we didn't get to read today. I gladly agreed. So all in all we didn't get a whole lot accomplished today other than get a little needed rest in.


Nonna said...

Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,

Your darn tootin' Cancer Fears You ... You are the Mighty Warrior and it knows you're gonna kick it's butt out of orbit!

Glad you had such a good time with Avery and Taylor. And Kudos to Taylor for being such a great goalie.

Rest up today so you can stay awake and hear more of your story.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Ann said...

What a wonderful life we lead when "Cancer Fears me" comes into effect. One of my BFF's just passed away from lung and liver cancer. She will be missed, but she was strong until the end.Cancer fears me is a great mantra. Keep it going.

Jamie(Sister) said...

Whoohoo you havent been to a soccer game in a really long time. =) That great you guys had fun.
Yes love bug Cance does fear you very much so!!! Its shaking in its cells. ;)
Get as much sleep as you can love bug. Because the more sleep means the more energy youll have. =)