They were on the show with Sherry Tucker of Giving Hope Through Faith. She founded the organization after she lost her son Zachary to cancer and they had been a wonderful supporter of Joshua over the last year. They really made a difference in our lives and we are eternally grateful for that.
It was really cool to sit and watch my family on the TV this morning before I left for work. They both looked great and I was very proud of them. Joshua when asked what was special last year answered "LEGOLAND" and when asked what he wanted for Christmas... you guessed it "LEGO's". Jarrod went along and was in the studio while they were taping the segment. It was a great experience and now Joshua can cross TV star off of his list ;)
That is soo awesome!!! And exciting Joshua!!!! Wow man all if the famous people you know and now you are a famous person yourself!!! ;) I bet Jarrod was excited for you and mommy :) and I bet he laughed when you said you want legos for Christmas :) Well w will see you guys tomorrow k love bug :)
ps I guess Christian has off tomorrow I just found out and he will be coming to. He's on holiday ruitine
Wow, Joshua! You and your mom are stars! But we already knew that, didn't we? ;)
Scarlett Truong
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
TV!! How great is that!!!!!
Renee, you acted as if you had been on TV all your life. I love the hair - it makes you look too young to be Joshua's Mom.
What's up next for the Gandy family I wonder. National TV, Joshua's own talk show? Hmmmmmmm.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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