He came home and spent some time getting caught up on school work. He fell behind a little in December due to being in the hospital , etc... Not a big deal, I am confident he will be back on track before the week is out.
This evening we got a chance to go see the Wild Wonderland at Lowry Park Zoo thanks to tickets that were donated by Cox Radio. It was a lot of fun and we had a really great time. There were real reindeer and penguins to see as well as stingrays to pet. Several of the rides were running and the boys went on them over and over. The rides included a roller coaster that we practically had to drag them away from. It was a wonderful cold night which made the hot chocolate taste even better and walking around was refreshing and brisk. We all got bundled up and stayed for three hours. There were lights everywhere and it was like walking through a wild winter wonderland. Now I know how they got the title...
We finished the evening by getting home in time to watch the last part of the Lightning game which they won handsomely. Joshua was thrilled, he was pretty worried because he had not worn his shirt today. But despite this they won anyway:)
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Winter Wonderland looks fabulous and fun. Glad you got to go. But I have a question - how in the world does one pet a stingray?
Great news on the counts! Now you can sail into a new year on top of the world.
Glad to hear the Lightning won. You've go to be their #1 cheerleader.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
COOL COOL!!!! Wish i could have seen the reindeer and penguins. I have never seen either one of them before. =) I know you guys took pictures, so when i see you next i must se them. =) A fun filled day once again Joshy. Awesome the Lightnings won. =)
So up date on little miss Allie.
I took her to the doctor and she has a small sinus infection and fluid in her ears. But thank god it didnt turned into an ear infection before we got her on medicine. So she is on Amoxicillin and hopefully here in a few days she will be all better. =)
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