We finally got back to the TCE floor this evening. We are glad to be back at home on the Hem/Onc floor where we have spent so much time already.
I got the chance to spend three different parts of my day at the hospital with Josh today. He is still running a pretty high fever that is responding to Motrin but not to Tylenol. He managed to get up to 104.2 last night. Still no definitive answer as to what is causing the fever but all of the test results are not back yet. Hope to have an answer in the morning. His fever was a little lower this evening at 101.5. Big improvement from last night. We are hoping it stays down overnight.
I got the chance to spend three different parts of my day at the hospital with Josh today. He is still running a pretty high fever that is responding to Motrin but not to Tylenol. He managed to get up to 104.2 last night. Still no definitive answer as to what is causing the fever but all of the test results are not back yet. Hope to have an answer in the morning. His fever was a little lower this evening at 101.5. Big improvement from last night. We are hoping it stays down overnight.
He is at least still eating and is slowly adding on a little weight each day. The Megace seems to be doing its job stimulating his appetite a little.
Ir's amazing how one little smile on Joshua's face can make you feel OK inside. Josh, you are very special because you make us smile:)
Jarrod, I know it's tough being the gypsies again and for that I am sorry. How's the gantry and have you been baking lately?
Renee & Lee, you are always in our thoughts and prayers and I know this too shall pass (it would be nice if it happened quickly)
Love, Laura & Frank
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
It was great hearing your voice yesterday. Just wish it could have been beside me instead of over the phone! Oh well, if wishes were wings, we could all fly. And that would be such fun.
Im happy to hear you are back in familar surroundings and that your Mommy has an actual bed in which to sleep. I hope you get sprung from the hospital very soon.
In two more days I am going to meet your cousin Dylan for the first time. I promise to say hello to him from you and Jarrod and to smother him with kisses from you.
I love the pictures of you and your Daddy hanging out in the bed. You guys look so cozy and snuggy.
Hang in there my little snuggle monkey. You are so strong and brave.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
DAY 126! GOOFY BUTT. =) Thats good i see you and dad smiling and being goofy. =) I miss you guys i wanna come up and see you but i cant just yet, i promise when mom or dad gives us the word that its ok then we are coming up!! =) Keep kicking butt monkey you are doing great and so is Jarrod mom and dad. I love you all and keep your heads up high!!
Jarrod i bet you cant wait til Monday to go to the gross body showing thing at Mosi!! =) M e and grandma i guess are going to go see some of Princess Diana's clothes. well hope to see you guys soon.
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