Joshua has got his ANC up to 2013, and he is still running a slight fever. We didn't make it home today. He just can't seem to shake it. It seems like he will never get out of the hospital. In the morning we will find out whether or not he will get to start chemo this week. He is scheduled for an LP and they may still go ahead even if he still has a slight fever. Not sure what would happen after that. He might get to come home or they may keep him for a while longer.
Jarrod went to stay the night with josh, I went to work.
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
I am so disappointed for you that you didn't get to go home. Wish they could figure out where the fever is coming from and then stick a broom in it and sweep it away.
What a grand brother you have. I don't think I have ever seen two boys so close. You are so very lucky to have each other.
I hope today is a better day for you and you are able to go home.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses
DAY 117! Sleepy heads. =) Man you guys sleep like rocks especially you Joshy. ; ) Im sorry you and mommy didnt get to go home today monkey. I hope you get to go home tomorrow or the next day 10 days is to long. Wow your count is up pretty high!! Thats great Joshy, just have to keep working at that fever and nagotiating with it ; ) I am so proud of you for staying so strong and keeping your spirits high. I miss you guys Christian is just now starting to feel better and get over his cold. So hopefully this weekend if you are home we will come to se you guys. =) Well see you soon monkey butt. love you
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