Apparently the operators in Joshua' s white blood cell master control room heard all the alarms going off and decided to get back to work. I can imagine them rushing around tapping gauges and pulling on levers. Rerouting this to that and that to this. Yelling back and forth as distant machinery starts to groan and creak. Half empty cups of stale coffee strewn around on the consoles. Consternation on their faces.
It does, however, appear to be working. His ANC climbed to 148 .
The G-CSF seems to be working. Josh will continue to get it until his ANC hits 500 or better. All of this other blood work looks okay right now. His fever has come down to 100.3.
Earlier today Renee and Josh got relocated to a different room right down the hall. It was freshly disinfected and ready for immediate occupancy. The old room got the full service wash and and hot wax.
How is his appetite you ask? The doctor prescribed Megace today which will help stimulate his appetite. It started to work a little. Renee's mom brought in some tuna salad, one of Joshua's current favorites, and he ate a little bit. The Megace will take a little while to kick in and start working, so we are hoping for an improvement in the next day or two.
Jarrod is spending the night at the hospital with Joshua and Renee.
I am spending another night alone with the cat...
He is a good cat, but he just can't seem to grasp string theory and I feel our conversations are going no where. Why can't he just listen to me? I really need to find a better friend...
Yikes. Things are pretty weird here late at night.
No picture of Josh today. I take full responsibility. I just didn't get one at the hospital tonight.
DAY 112!! YAY Good news Joshy!! Your ANC went up by alot holy cow! Thats great monkey! =) THAT PUTS A VERY BIG SMILE ON MY FACE AND IM SURE YOURS TO. =) But i hear you were a little cranky tonight love bug. Im sorry, Hope that tomorrow you arent to cranky when we come and see you. ; ) Sorry we didnt get to come today Christains friend curt stopped by. Promise we are gunna be on our way as soon as Christian gets off work. =)
Tuna salad hu..? Yummy in your tummy i bet. Thats great to hear Josh that evrything is starting to look up for you once again. You are doing wonderful! We love you tons! Mom dad and Jarrod you are doing a great job as well keep up the great work you guys. =) See you soon.
XOXO LOVB JAMIE BELLA AND CHRISTAIN p.s ( Bella says hi and she really wishes that you can go home soon so that she can come see you and Jarrod to give you lots of loving and wagg her little nub. =)
Oh yea... Your birthday is in a month today!!! I cant believe you are going to be 7! Dude you getting to old.. stop it. ; ) I love you
ANC 148 - that's great news and there's nothing better than Grandma's tuna salad for a growing boy. Better that it was with you and Jarrod than at home with your dad and Hobie - I can see the cat making eyes at your tuna right now. I know this new medicine is going to work and make you hungry again. We are thinking of you constantly and know we love you!
Jarrod, I'm really glad you spent the night - did you and your Mom toss a coin for the bed?
Renee & Lee you amaze me with the organization skills you have attained to be "hospital gypsies." A nomad family always at the place you need to be for your sons.
Love, Laura & Frank
a birthday? that's right, same day as my mom's.
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
I am so happy to hear things are beginning to get better for you. I hope by the time I log onto your blog tomorrow you are without fever, eating like a horse and once again have that beautiful smile on your face.
Tell you Daddy that conversation with Hobie can be quite stimulating. You simply have to pick a topic of conversation in which Hobie has an interest.
Jarrod, you are such an amazing young man. You continue to inspire me with your love and devotion to Joshua. I am surmising that you will be equally wonderful at parenting as your Dad and Mom. I am proud of you (not to mention that I love you).
Warmer weather on the way here - it's all coming from the beautiful South. And just as warm weather kicks in I will be heading West to snuuggle with Dylan! Maybe I could ask the pilot on the return flight to head to Tampa instead of Chicago for a short "lay-over". You think he might?
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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