Joshua is not a happy camper.
He is tired of being stuck in the hospital.
Tired of not feeling good.
Tired of running a fever.
He is just plain tired.
When Joshua gets tired, he gets crabby.
Today his temperature has stayed low. His ANC is at 762. It is an improvement and may mean that whatever has been afflicting him has left for other pastures. If we only knew what "it" was. We are scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow morning. Not sure how long it will take to get the results back from pathology but we are hoping we will know something late tomorrow. There is a possibility that Josh will be able to come home after the procedure.
He would really like that.
We would really like that too.
I took him more food and some DVD's he requested this evening. The not eating thing seems to be just a memory. Which is a great thing. We can keep fattening him up when we get him back home. Father John from Saint Ann's came by this evening to visit Josh. They had a nice time except Josh kept falling asleep. Jarrod had a fun weekend. He spent the night at his friends house Friday and then his friend stayed with us last night. He may have not gotten much sleep but he had a good time.
Hopefully we can put some of our fears to rest after tomorrow. Hopefully what put Joshua in the hospital was just a virus or some silly bug that was floating around. Hopefully we can get him home soon.
Mostly we run on hope...
Just happened by your blog. You must be one of the coolest kids I have ever had the pleasure to read about! You are one tough cookie.
I can see how much you are loved. I will say some extra prayers for you. Much Love, C
Josh, I don't blame you for the crabby face. We are very happy that food has become a friend again and you are eating what you like. We just have to have faith that this stage of crap will pass and you'll continue to win the fight. You are such a strong fella!
Jarrod, We are glad you got to have some time with one of your friends! Bet it was a blast.
We love you all and will talk after the test Monday.
Love, Laura & Frank
Larry asks about you all the time Josh. He is coming to Florida for his Spring Break and all the kids want to see you. We have been praying for you. You are such a strong little man! We love and miss you terribly!
Jen, Billy, Larry, Emily & Robert
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
You can be just as crabby as you want - you have been so strong and so brave - it's time for you to be a little bit on the cranky side.
I am so sorry you are still in the hospital. I was hoping the doctors could find the source of your fever and blast it's behind into a huge black hole.
I am happy to hear you still have an appetite. I know your Mom and Dad will be delighted to buy out several grocery stores to keep you in food!
Hang in there little man - you are a strong warrior and you will prevail.
I am in Telluride with Uncle Eric, Aunt Alyssa and cousin Dylan. I am getting the most marvelous kisses and grins from Dylan. I made not go home! It is snowing big huge flakes and it is absolutely gorgeous. I wish you could be here to play with us in the snow!
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Oh my goshi am stacking on this.... =) geez. Im sorry monkey but you arent a happy camper today and sorry we didnt get to come see you this weekend we had my little brother over and he stayed the weekend. I hope you feel better soon love bug and miss you tons. and yay you get to go home tomorrow. thats great news!! Well i love you guys and see you soon.
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