Joshua had school today with Ms. Lydia and then we rushed off to the physical therapy office to work on Joshua's legs. We added a few new exercises today: stomp the bug; the lumberjack; and moon soccer. He seems to really enjoy the therapy and he gives it his all. He was really tired when we got home and dropped off for a three hour nap. He woke up in time for dinner.
At dinner he just wasn't himself. He seemed distracted and upset about something. I sat down with him on the couch and asked him if he was worried about tomorrow. He was. He is so brave and works so hard to treat each day as a new chance to feel better. He has actually felt pretty good this last week.
He was worried that the new chemo will make him run a fever and put him back in the hospital. We share his fears.
We share his fears but we never share ours with him. We are cursed with the knowledge, not of what will be, but that which might be. Knowledge thankfully that a seven year old can not quantify. Knowledge that ruins our sleep at night.
Joshua knows what he has experienced and what we have talked about. We discuss his treatment plan with him and he asks amazingly intelligent questions. He knows what drugs he gets and what they are for. He knows how they make him feel. He knows the routine that we will follow tomorrow as we get him qualified. Accessed. Sedated. Infused. What he doesn't know is what it will bring. Maddeningly neither do we.
Tonight he rests. In the morning we will sojourn to the hospital and walk a few more feet down the long and crooked path that is his treatment.
Hey Josh! Stomp the bug? Sounds pretty cool to me. So glad you've had some time to play and be at home. I'm sure school with Ms Lydia was good also. We'll be thinking about you tomorrow and know that everything will be OK. Love, Miss Laura & Frank
Thats good monkey that you are liking therapy alot and you are doing great at at. =) You do great at everything you do love bug. I hope you tomorrow brings all good news which im sure it will. =)Tomorrows mommys birthday!! I kow shes excited ; ) We love you tons Joshy and are soo proud of you for doing a wonderful job at staying strong and fighting this thing til the end. =) See you soon k sweet pea. Love you guys tons
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
I'm late checking in! My day got in the way.
I like the names of your new exercises. They sound like fun.
I've talked to you since you got your treatment. Glad it went well and hope it stays that way. Get your Dad to take another photo of your beads - since they're bigger than your room I want to see them.
Ranch dressing on pretzels? Sounds yummy to me. Eat well little warrior.
Kiss your Mommy Happy Birthday for me.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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