Joshua had a busy but all in all good day. He started this morning with physical therapy which is going quite well. He seems to enjoy the challenge and it is easier for a non-family member to push him a little bit. The physical therapist Steven is quite adept at making things fun and keeping Joshua motivated. It is quite entertaining to watch Joshua as he performs all the different exercises.
After a short break it was school time with Ms. Lydia. Joshua has been having pretty good school days the last few times. I don't sense the frustration I have felt before. The fog seems to have lifted for a while, I believe born away on the breeze of being at home. Speaking of which we are on pace to set a new all time stay at home record. Keep watching in the days ahead for the official announcement.
The rest of our young mans day was spent playing at home and eating before he left to go spend the night with Renee's parents. He and Jarrod took the wii and their tennis rackets. I am sure that they are quite worn out and sleeping peacefully by now.
Tomorrow it is back to the clinic for more chemo, Vincristine and Doxorubicin again. Joshua's counts were excellent on Monday, his ANC was 2752 and his platelets were 486! This is higher than we have seen in a long time. Here's hoping they stay up for a while. Almost all of the drugs he is currently taking can suppress his counts in one way or another. Starting from a high point means he can fall farther before they get really low.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Nothing but great news today!!!!! Hooray. It's about time.
Steven sounds like a really cool guy. Maybe your Dad can do a short video of you doing some of your exercises. I'd like that very much.
I'm loving your counts and hope they stay high.
You go for the record little warrior. After all, you are the mighty one!
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Look at that smiling face our on the deck! So glad to pass 180 days and kickin' butt still. It sounds like tjhey finally have a match on the meds this time around and that is wonderful!
Know that we love you!
Laura & Frank
Im glad you had a good day Joshy!! =) and tomorrow brings chemo which im sure you will do good with that to. =) All good news with the meds is always good to hear monkey.
So you and Jarrod got to stay the night with Grandma and Pa hu.. that sounds like fun and i know daddy and mommy loved the quit house. ;) Thats great that you are doing good with PT to love bug, i know you will get your strength back in your feet and legs in no time. Well we will see you guys this weekend okie dokie smokie
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