Josh absolutely wore himself out today. It started this morning when he and I were playing tennis on the Wii. Actually he was absolutely destroying me at tennis on the wii. Josh has a backhand that is almost too fast to see. Its like trying to hit a ball that has been fired from a deck cannon. After trouncing me twice he was tired and took a break. A little rest and he is charged back up and ready to go again.
That pretty much sums up his day. His energy comes and it goes. He plays and then he rests. In between he eats turkey slices or cheese. There is always ranch dressing in the mix sometime in the day. Hope the people in Hidden Valley have plenty to spare.
This afternoon while Renee was out running errands one of Jarrod's friends stopped by. It must be weird coming over to our house. First thing in the door you get stopped, "Have you been sick? Anyone in your family sick right now, or has been recently?" This is followed, if all the answers were no, with the hand sanitization protocol. Immediately followed by a quick sidebar reminder to Joshua to stay away from the potentially infected "outsider". I hate to be so paranoid but it is just the way I think. Always watching, always vigilant. As soon as they leave we sanitize every thing that they were in contact with. No evil germs are welcome here!
Tomorrow it will be just Josh and I for the first part of the day. Tonight I am going to work on my backhand...
Tomorrow it will be just Josh and I for the first part of the day. Tonight I am going to work on my backhand...
Oh yea kicking daddy's butt in tennis. =) You are very good at that game Joshy along with many others I am glad you are resting up for your big treatment starting on Tuesday mommies birthday! =) I dont think we will be able to make it out there this weekend but we promise for sure within the nexts couple of days k love bug. Keep up the awesome work at kicking daddys butt in tennis ; ) and having lots of good days again! I love you tons and see you soon k monkey. Love you mom dad and Jarrod
Josh we are glad to know you're tuckered out from playing, and beating your dad also. That's a good kind of tired. It's cool that you can snack, rest and go again, just like the energizer bunny.
I hope it continues to be sunshine and weather to play in before your next treatment. Jarrod I am really glad you are home schooled now so all those germs can't attach themselves to you and invade your house. It's a good think to be a germ freak now. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday and give hugs and kisses to all. Love, Laura & Frank
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Way to go with the backhand!!! I'm glad to hear the good news and hope it continues.
Tell your Dad not to worry about th Hidden Ranch people - they are currently working overtime just to supply your needs.
Keep gaining strength little warrior.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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