I realized today at the grocery store what a geek I can be. I walked up to a stock person and held up my iPhone with a picture of the aforementioned snack mix displayed. "Do you carry this?"
Total geek move.
But man it is sure cool that I can do that!
Now if I could only use the phone to calculate the GPS co-ordinates of a case of the snack mix... That would be totally cool! It would also win me major brownie points with Josh.
Joshua has been keeping his temperature down for the most part today. His counts dropped. His ANC is down to 1518. We hope to start chemo tomorrow. We will find out when Dr. Tebbi stops by in the morning. There may even be a chance Josh could get released for good behavior. I will keep my fingers crossed. Jarrod is spending the night at the hospital per Joshua's request. So tonight it's just me and the cat...
SPOILER ALERT! If you do not want to know the sex of our currently in production grandchild read no further. Also, do not read any of Jamie's comments ever again. She will never be able to keep it a secret. Skip over the next bit of prose and go straight to the picture.
For everyone else here it is! Jamie and Christian went in today for their first ultrasound. The baby is perfect and the due date in September still stands. I got an excited call from Christian as soon as they were done. He was talking a mile a minute. I remember well the first time I saw each of my children on a little black and white tv monitor. A vaguely human shaped little bean floating in what appeared to be outer space. It is a man's first deep-rooted connection to his unborn child. Seeing it on that little screen somehow makes it more real and solid than it was before. It is a defining moment. Especially when it is your first glimpse of your perfectly formed daughter to be! If you look carefully at the picture you can see her with her hands at the side of her face looking out. We are thrilled!

Okay if you didn't want the spoiler you can start reading again. Enjoy the picture of our in production grandchild. If you look carefully at the picture you can see h** hands at the side of h** face looking out.
We are very excited and are really looking forward to being grandparents.
Did that sound believable? I have been practicing.
In all honesty we are thrilled. It is still a little hard to believe. We are still so young...