The morning started like any other. Except Joshua had a fever of 101.2. Yesterday was apparently a harbinger of today.
Renee packed while I got breakfast for Joshua. He managed to enjoy it for about ten minutes before it decided to come back up. So begins another chapter in our gypsy saga. But hey, at least we had six days at home this time. That is one more than the last cycle.

Joshua got admitted right away and the battery of tests has begun. Blood cultures, urinalysis, stool cultures, throat cultures, cultures from distant galaxies, and a chest x-ray.

His CBC came back really good. ANC at 4045, platelets 190, hemoglobin good. Nothing to sneeze at, except you aren't allowed to sneeze around Josh. Much bad juju in sneezes. Some of the tests have already come back negative, others are still pending. This is a repeat of the events a few weeks back. Fever, no specific cause, etc...
Joshua took the fact that he was going back in stride. He was a little disappointed but quickly got over it. He is remarkably adaptable and manages to weather these changes admirably. I think we are all getting more adept but it is still painful and unsettling. Our world can shift so quickly.
Here is a special picture for Nonna on her birthday. This smile is just for you.
This evening he was resting comfortably. Only took a little nap today. The long sleep seems to be over. Whatever his brain needed to take care of it has apparently had enough down time to get it accomplished. The real reason for somnolent episodes is unknown. His appetite is good. I took a bunch of food this afternoon for him to eat while he is gone. One less thing to worry about for now.

Renee was reading to Joshua this evening and he liked a piece of scripture that he heard. He asked that I share it with you. It comes form the book of Joshua, Chapter 1 Verse 9: Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
So now we wait, again.
We wait for some result that will give us a clue or an insight.
We wait and hope that Joshua will make it home by Saturday so he can celebrate his seventh birthday at home. It would be nice if we could manage to catch one holiday here.
We wait for his chemo to get back on track. He has stalled out again.
We wait to be reunited.
We wait.
In the meantime we fight to keep the darkness and fear at bay. Relegated to the edges. Never far away. Always waiting.

Renee was reading to Joshua this evening and he liked a piece of scripture that he heard. He asked that I share it with you. It comes form the book of Joshua, Chapter 1 Verse 9: Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
So now we wait, again.
We wait for some result that will give us a clue or an insight.
We wait and hope that Joshua will make it home by Saturday so he can celebrate his seventh birthday at home. It would be nice if we could manage to catch one holiday here.
We wait for his chemo to get back on track. He has stalled out again.
We wait to be reunited.
We wait.
In the meantime we fight to keep the darkness and fear at bay. Relegated to the edges. Never far away. Always waiting.
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
Thank you for the special picture. Your beautiful smile was absolutely the best present I ever got on a birthday!
I am so sorry you are back in the hospital. Maybe this time they can figure out where the stinking fever is coming from and bat it to the ends of the earth.
I like your scripture. It's awesome to have such loving power on your side.
Today is Jamie's ultra sound and I am anxious to hear how the baby(ies) are doing. It won't be long before you have a little one you can hold and talk to and make silly faces at.
I'm keeping everything I have crossed in hopes that you are home for your birthday. I guess they could be fun in the hospital but home seems a more suitable place.
Thank you again for the smile. I will treasure it.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Im sorry love bug. You are still smiling. And i love the picture for grandma linda. We will be sure to see you tomorrow monkey butt. We find out if its a boy or girl and if we are having one or two!!! =) well i hope you feel better Joshy love you
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