Josh has decided to become Rip Van Winkle and sleep for a while. He fell asleep yesterday evening, woke up today after lunch, and was back asleep again by 6:30 this evening. Not sure if this is a result of the meds and the fever or if it is the somnolence from the radiation therapy.
He still is barely eating and seems to have no real desire to eat. Renee has been quietly pushing food at him all day, but he picks at it or barely touches it.
His ANC was 43 this morning, slightly down from yesterday. The G-CSF treatments will continue but it takes about four or five days before it will begin to push his white cell count back up. It could potentially elevate his ANC into the thousands in a week or two. We will keep our fingers crossed. Josh has been plagued by low counts for quite a while now. It would be great to see him get out of this valley.
He is still running a fever of 100.4 tonight and we are worried because he has never kept a fever this long before. There was a little congestion in his sinuses and we are thinking he may have caught a virus somewhere. His preliminary blood cultures were negative for infection so that is a promising sign.
Evil germs.
We hate germs.
We declare war on all germs.
Run and hide little germs while you still can!
He still is barely eating and seems to have no real desire to eat. Renee has been quietly pushing food at him all day, but he picks at it or barely touches it.
His ANC was 43 this morning, slightly down from yesterday. The G-CSF treatments will continue but it takes about four or five days before it will begin to push his white cell count back up. It could potentially elevate his ANC into the thousands in a week or two. We will keep our fingers crossed. Josh has been plagued by low counts for quite a while now. It would be great to see him get out of this valley.
He is still running a fever of 100.4 tonight and we are worried because he has never kept a fever this long before. There was a little congestion in his sinuses and we are thinking he may have caught a virus somewhere. His preliminary blood cultures were negative for infection so that is a promising sign.
Evil germs.
We hate germs.
We declare war on all germs.
Run and hide little germs while you still can!
We are coming for you...
Wow. Started to turn into the Terminator there for a minute.
He is not alone in the hospital, our little friend Demitri came in and is just down the hall. He has been running a fever as well. Poor guy sprained his ankle right after he got back from the River Ranch retreat and now he is in the hospital.
Joshua looked really tired this afternoon when I was hanging out with him at the hospital. I think he is just worn out from the fever and lack of food. He seemed to get tired out very quickly , even doing simple things.
I gave him an open ticket for the grocery store before I left.
"Pick anything you want," I said, "annnnyyything."
He looked up at me with tired little eyes and just the barest whisper of a smile and said, "even candy?"
"Sure," I replied, "even candy."
Wow. Started to turn into the Terminator there for a minute.
He is not alone in the hospital, our little friend Demitri came in and is just down the hall. He has been running a fever as well. Poor guy sprained his ankle right after he got back from the River Ranch retreat and now he is in the hospital.
Joshua looked really tired this afternoon when I was hanging out with him at the hospital. I think he is just worn out from the fever and lack of food. He seemed to get tired out very quickly , even doing simple things.
I gave him an open ticket for the grocery store before I left.
"Pick anything you want," I said, "annnnyyything."
He looked up at me with tired little eyes and just the barest whisper of a smile and said, "even candy?"
"Sure," I replied, "even candy."
I would happily fill a gym bag with skittles and M&M's, if he would eat them.
"You let me know what you want and I will deliver it to you."
He looked at me and smiled.
He didn't order anything.
He looked at me and smiled.
He didn't order anything.
Pulling a Rip Van Winkle act on us, huh? Don't blame you at all, Josh. It was cold outside this morning and seeing you all cuddled up with your blanky makes me feel warm all over. (cold for the people not in Florida was 43 with wind chill of 36 degrees this morning). I sure hope something helps you want to eat more soon.
WE hate GERMS! Nasty little germs. Tell them all to go away and leave you alone. I'm sorry your friend Dimitri is in the hospital again. It looks like it's going to be that kind of month - and soon you'll start feeling better. We pray for you every day to get better and sometimes it just takes a while for the medicine and prayers to work.
Jarrod, we know this is hard on you too with Mom & Josh at the hospital and know we're thinking about you. Maybe there's some fantastic Chef Jarrod treat that would tempt Josh to eat?
Lee and Renee, once again your strength amazes and overwhelms me. I love you all and will call tomorrow. Love, Laura
DAY 111! =( Im sorry monkey butt! I am praying my hardest that you get that fever down! Hopefully you and mommy get to go home for another 3 weeks hopefully longer. =) We loved seeing you today love bug although you were really tired but hey you got some play station time in with Christian. =) I say you play better than him. wink wink Dont tell him i told you that he'll kick my butt. =) I am still hoping for at least a little better day for you and mom tomorrow monkey. Just keep doing what you are doing wich is staying strong and smiling!! I love that big smile. Well get some sleep monkey butt and we will see you again tomorrow!!Oh and let me or Christian know if you want us to stop and get you anything on the way up there for instance......FRENCH FRIES!! ;) Gotta get something in that little tummy. See you soon Love you guys.
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
Bummer times! Hope they end soon. Wish you could find your appetite and lose those stinking nasty germs that want to play house with you.
Really sorry to hear about Dimitri. Hope you both get sprung from the hospital soon and that you don't have to go back.
Stay strong mighty warrior. You keep kicking that stupid cancer in the butt until it leaves the universe screaming for mercy. And I hope it doesn't find any.
Our beautiful snow is beginning to leave and warmer weather is on the way. While I hate to say good-bye to the snow, I cannot wait to say hello to warmer weather!
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Hey little man. So sorry to hear you aren't doing well. Stay positive though! Think of this like your are in an obstacle course - not all of the course is going to be easy, there will be bumps in the road; but you will make it in the end. Keep your chin up little buddy and even if you aren't hungry, just think back a few months ago when you were really hungry and try to channel those same feelings! Who knows, it might help. And if you don't fully understand what I mean, just ask mommy or daddy to explain. They might do a better job than me. Love you Joshy. We are always praying for you! ~ Roxy, Brandon, Chico and Sophie
To our dear Joshua, "OUR INSPIRATION!"
You look so peaceful getting some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's. I am sure your little body needs all the rest it can get. You have been through so very much.
We admire your great strength and are continously inspired by your every smile. We just sure wish your appetite will come back soon. It must be soo hard to eat after all the meds you have had to take. Your tummy is all dazed and confused now! ;-) We pray that soon God will help you find comfort in food. You know at work today I told one of my customers they should have our seasoned fries with their sandwhich, I told the lady that they are so tasty they would be good comfort food! Kind of like a good ol' bowl hot soup when its cold outside! :)
We are hoping that you are doing better today and that your fever is going down. I keep thinking about you and how you'll be 7 in just 4 weeks. Unbelievable how fast you have grown! I still remember when your mommy gave birth to you "in the wee hours of the nite I might add!" :0)
We all miss you sweetheart! We love you very much and keep you in our thoughts and close in our hearts!
Sending God's healing your way Joshy! May God give you comfort.
There is a great healing prayer at the following website for you. . .
Love, Uncle Scott, Aunt Alecia, Taylor & Avery and MAUI
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