In the classic balance game Joshua's temperature is better but his counts are worse. Just when he gets one thing under control another pops up. His ANC this morning had dropped to 482 which gets an blue sign on the door.

As long as the sign stays so does Joshua.
Renee came home tonight for a little R&R. Her mom is staying with Josh tonight so Renee can have a break. It is nice to have her at home for a night. So far we have only been together at home for five days in March. The life of gypsies.
I got the chance tonight to go and receive a very generous gift from the Perillo-Stafford Leukemia Foundation at their annual golf tournament. They support families with leukemia each year and we are very grateful for their financial help. Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers.
Monday or tuesday Joshua will probably have a bone marrow aspiration to test and make sure there are no signs of a relapse. Just trying to rule out one more possible cause of his fevers. Until then we will all hope that he keeps the temperature down in his little body and he continues to eat.
Well I guess the sign says it all. Josh, we hope your fever stays under control so you don't have to take the nasty drugs. We are glad your Grandma is with you tonight and mommy is home resting for an evening.
Thanks to all that support leukemia and cancer research, assist the families, and are there when you need them most. Thanks to all the angels and wonderful people that help when you need it the most.
We love you all. Laura & Frank
DAY 129. Can you believe that its been this long already monkey butt. =) Im sorry to hear about the counts Joshy im sure you will get them up soon, you are a pro at that. ; ) I love you guys and just keep that big smile on your face when ever you can and keep that shiny cute head of yours up k monkey.
Thats good mom got to come home and sleep in her comfy bed for a night. =) love you guys see you soon,
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