That's when it happened.
Actually he waited until I was all the way in Orlando and stuck for several hours.
That's when it happened.
Renee called me and said, "You remember what you were afraid would happen?"
"Yes", I said knowing exactly what was coming next.
"Well it happened."
Joshua was running a fever of 103.0 all of a sudden and Renee was in the car taking him to the hospital. It came on very quickly. He was also complaining of pain in his stomach and lower back. Doctor Wynn couldn't find anything obviously wrong with him. So we got admitted...
We are back in the hospital for a while. Gypsy mode engaged. Just when we all got used to being together at home again.
I was afraid this was going to happen.

Let me explain.
When I was looking at how many games I could shoot during Major League spring training back in February, one of my major concerns was that I would be stuck at a game in Orlando or Kissimmee and something would happen with Joshua. I would be unable to leave for several hours and have a long way to travel to get to the hospital. I guess I was right.
Joshua is still running a fever of over 101.0 and we are waiting for labs and cultures to come back to see if there is a definite cause. He has been running this low grade fever for over three weeks now. No apparent cause. It makes both of us instantly remember the weeks before he was first diagnosed. Low grade fever that came and went, lethargy, loss of body mass... That is not a happy place for us. We are getting pretty good at dealing with the things we know about. It is the unknown that keeps us on edge.
His CBC for tonight looks good: ANC over 5000, platelets and HGB down a little from yesterday. Temperature at 101.7 and going up. It will take two days for blood cultures to come back.
Until then we wait.
And hope.
Hey Gandy Gang,
I am so sorry to hear you are once again in gypsy mode.
I keep searching my mind for appropriate things to say and so far none of them sound right. This whole ordeal bites like a really huge rabid dog.
Hang in there. You are all surrounded by an extaordinary amount of love and prayers.
DAY 124 NOT SUCH A GOOD DAY. =( Im sorry Joshua. I was really sad when i got the news yestersay from mom. I was really hoping well we all were hoping that you could at least stay home for a while. But hey just look at this as another big bump in the road that you know you are going to get over. ; ) We love you and stay strong monkey butt. We will come see you when we can, mommy told us that you might have something that pregnant mommies cant be around. =(
We will continue to call and get updated. Hope to see you soon Joshy and just try to keep your head up high k.
Jarrod we love you and try to stay strong for Josh k. Hey i have an idea if you are allowed to buddy. Ask mom and dad if you can bring some toys from home to keep you and Josh busy. =)
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