Somnolence (or "drowsiness") is a state of near-sleep, a strong desire for sleep, or sleeping for unusually long periods of time. Our best guess is this is what Joshua is doing right now. It would be in response to the radiation therapy he got the first of this year.
It all looked kind of familiar, but we just couldn't put our finger on it. And then it hit us, Joshua has taken up Hobies lifestyle!
All Hobie does is sleep, wake up, walk fifteen feet to his bowl to eat, and then fifteen feet back to a place to lay down and fall back asleep. This is exactly what Josh has been like. You be the judge.

He is still eating, the hardest thing for him is trying to decide what he wants. The chemo makes everything taste weird and the foods he has always asked for are no longer appealing. We are slowly building up a list of things he will actual eat. After we get the list the fun begins as Renee and I try and figure out how to augment the calories without making it taste funny. Although for years people have been eating crisco with powdered sugar...
Hey Snaggle Snuggle "Hobie" Monkey,
So glad to hear about your counts!!!! Keep doing whatever you are doing 'cause it's working.
Crisco with powdered sugar sounds yummy (?!).
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
DAY 124!! WHOO HOO A GOOD DAY!!! YAY!! =) Thats is soo awesome Joshua!! I bet everyone was happy today hu?? That is great.
We missed Jarrod on Saturday but we will see him this weekend i hope. I am soo proud of you and Jarrod, Joshy. You are such amazing boys, you both are so strong for each other and you help each other out as much as you can. =) I love you guys. Keep up the great work.
ps keep working on those feet mr. ; )
WooHooo!!!! 4299!!! Joshua, you are a superhero!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work! Mom and Dad and Jarrod too - you are all doing a great job. Joshua is so lucky to have such a supportive family.
Scarlett Truong (Hayden's mom)
P.S. Hayden says hello! ;)
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