The fever came back... 100.5.
It didn't really creep up as slowly as yesterday. It was faster this time. Renee made the call and Josh left for the hospital this afternoon for at least a three day stay. He called me right before he left to tell me. He was very brave on the phone.
So we are back to the hospital mode of our lifestyle. The one where we are separated as a family and all have to take on different roles for the next few days. This is how our life is now. It can change in a matter of a few hours. We are getting better at making the switch from one mode to the other. It goes smoother each time. We still don't like it.
Joshua's ANC is down to 47 and his Hemoglobin is at 7.0 which is usually transfusion time. The doctors are going to wait until tomorrow and see what his labs say.
I was at the hospital with him this evening and he was having pain in his stomach and his fever was up to 101. He got Tylenol for the fever, Zofran for the nausea, and Cefepime. Renee said he was also not eating very much so I brought him some french fries as he had requested. He managed to eat most of them.
Josh looked really tired tonight. I am sure that the fever is wearing him down and his counts are really low. When he gets low it really seems to hit him hard and pretty quickly. He is a strong fighter though. Hopefully this will not be another 8 day stay. He needs to get his counts up to 750 for chemo and 500 to get to come home.
Jarrod and I came home and it will just be us guys for the next little while...
DAY 109 MONKEY BUTT. =( Not such a good one hu?. I loved that you called me today to let me and Christian know that you and mom were heading back to the hospital. =) But at the same time i dont like to get calls like that. ; ) Thats sucks love bug well at least you went 3 whole weeks with out having to stay in that stinking place. ; ) I hope you feel alot better tomorrow and your fever goes down alot. I know you will get those counts up as fast as you can monkey, you are great at that !! You are also great at being so strong and soo brave. =) We will be sure to see you and mom tomorrow k Joshy. Hope you get some sleep tonight We love you tons and keep up the awesome work!! See you soon. Love you mom dad and Jarrod.
Oh yea by the way like the telluride shirt!!! ; ) Uncle Erics gunna love that. =)
That DARN fever again.. looks like just when you think its going to stay away all of a sudden it is there! I talked to your Mom when she was moving the car -- just want to make sure she gave you and Jarrod a hug & kiss; figured it was safe coming from her since you're the safest sanitized house anywhere! We're really glad you got to go to River Ranch last week and see and make so many new friends. This cancer thing really sucks and it's time to start kickin' butt again. You take care buddy and know we love you. Laura & Frank
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
Really big, huge, nasty stinkin bummer!!!!! When I was talking to your Dad yesterday on his way to work he said the fever was gone. It really stinks that it can sneak up on you so quickly.
But you are a mighty warrior and you have fought this battle before. This time I hope you kick that old cancer so hard in the butt that it's patootie is fighting for space in it's eyeballs.
I hope your counts rise quickly and stay there. This roller coaster you are on is no fun.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
ps I love the Telluride shirt. Hope it's not too long before all of us can descend upon Uncle Eric and Aunt Alyssa and hang out in the snow! And we can all hug and kiss on baby Dylan, Loie and Gloria.
Sorry to hear you are back in the hospital. Hopefully it will just be a quick three days and you'll get to come home. Fingers crossed and praying hard!!
The Truong Family
Scarlett, Quoc, Hayden and Isaac
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