Just a quick update. Joshua again spent most of today either sleeping or resting on the couch. He is just worn out. We have nothing planned all weekend so he can rest as much as he needs. Still dealing with a low grade temperature. We are still baffled by what is keeping it up. Could be a combination of so many factors. We may never know for sure. As long as it stays under the "lets make the call" temp we will be happy for now.
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
I am so happy your fever is below the "call" range. I hope it stays there. You look so angelic in sleep. But I love your smiles best. Hope you get enough rest soon so that I can once again see your beautiful smile.
Have a great weekend - eat and sleep. when you get through eat and sleep some more.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
ps I feel like I'm setting a record here. This is the third time I've been able to post before Jamie - she must be sleeping in! She needs her rest so my great grandbaby can grow.
DAY 121! Thats stinking fever wont go away hu..?? Im sorry Joshy hope that it will go away soon its been there for to long. Welll christian has to go to work today, we were gunna come see you guys but they called him in on a saturday. =( Hope to see you tomorrow though love bug. Bella really misses you guys. Well rest up monkey butt hope to se you soon.
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