Jarrod got a trophy yesterday from Super Sibs for being a great sibling to Joshua. He is really a great brother and takes good care of Joshua. Super Sibs is an organization that recognizes siblings of kids with cancer and they provide great encouragement. It is easy to get lost in the shuffle for a sibling. We do our best to keep Jarrod from feeling like he is slipping into second place in our lives.

It was a beautiful day today and this afternoon Josh and I got a little hammock time in. He is a wonderful cuddler and we enjoy being outside when we can. One more day of rest and then he is back to the clinic for labs. I really hope his counts have stayed up. He body needs a break from fighting so hard all the time.
DAY 113. =) Awesome trophy Jarrod!! =) You are a great big brother Joshua couldnt ask for anyone better. =) You are doing such a great job at helping everyone out with anything that they need. Thats why we love you ;) Well i think tomorrow we are going to come over for a little bit and bring bella seeins how she wont leave me alone about how much she misses you guys. =) We can only stay for a little while though because tomorrow is my dads birthday he is turning the big 4-5. =) Well see you tomorrow love bug glad you guys had a good day today love bug.
Oh yea love the wink to the camera byt he way. ; )
So cool! Josh is eating and Jarrod wins the Super Sib!! Josh, keep on resting part and we hope the counts stay up! Jarrod, you are Totally Awesome, Dude - a fantastic big brother to Joshua:)
So glad you are all home together. Love, Laura & Frank
Super Sib Jarrod!
SSJ happens to be the initials of my best selling Artist of all time - you are such a wonderful brother Jarrod. The greatest part of it all is that you are simply being YOU!
Congratulations on the award.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
So wonderful to see you smiling again. And icing on the cake to hear you are eating. Life doesn't get much better.
Glad you are doing so well and hoping it continues. I will keep everything crossed in hopes that tomorrow's labs are good.
Nice to hear you and your Dad are still associating with the Hammokians.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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