School got cancelled today so Joshua got a small reprieve from homework. School work is one of the things that we can make up and do not really worry too much about right now. He will get caught up when he is feeling better and things have quieted down a little.
While he was awake this evening Joshua wanted to take another walk. So Jarrod and I went walking with him. He did pretty well but started to get tired pretty quick. Walking in the grass is good exercise for his legs. They are getting continually weaker from the Vincristine and his lack of exercise. Jarrod and I will keep taking him out to walk if he wants to go.

It is tough to see him so weak. He was always the kid with tons of reserve energy, always running, always climbing. Now he ambles along like an old man gingerly picking his way across the uneven terrain. It saddens me. I keep telling myself it is only temporary, that he will be his old self again soon. But much time has passed already and the road ahead is still long and hard. But just like Joshua walking this evening we will conquer the rough road one small tentative step at a time. We will walk this road together, all of us.
Nice walking Joshy. =) It was pretty nice outside today for you dad and Jarrod to go on a little walk. Thats great you are wanting to go outside for a bit and get some excersise and some sunshine. =) I cant wait to come over this weekend, hope you and everyone else has a good weekened seeins how your birthday is next weekend. I bet you cant wait. We will see you guys soon love you
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
It's difficult to read your Daddy's words today and not weep a bit. However, I force myself to look at the positive - you went for a walk, you are home with your family and today is a new day.
You are still the strongest warrior and you are giving your all to kick this stinkin' cancer square in the butt. You are amazing.
Telluride continues to get snow and I am still enjoying her beauty.
I am awed by the number of people here who know your story and ask about you. You are a much loved little man.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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