Monday, June 14, 2010

Mild Monday… Day 577 14JUN10

Clinic this morning like all Mondays. Joshua's counts are throughout the roof thanks to our old nemesis Prednisone with his ANC at 4959. So at least for a few days he has a pretty normal immune system. Too bad it won't last. We spent part of the day without water while the county guys fixed the water main just next door. We are on a boil notice until further notice which will hopefully be tomorrow. Other than that little tidbit of excitement it was a pretty quiet and normal day. We stayed indoors for the afternoon and didn't venture out until early evening. I got some much needed yard work done withJoshua's help and after dinner the two of us got a little hockey time in while Jarrod rode his bike.
For our evening entertainment we all watched Alice in Wonderland which Joshua had wanted to see. He enjoyed it although I am not sure any of us really understood all that we watched. It was a good movie nonetheless. Tomorrow is a long busy day for the family with lots of different stops to make as we journey around.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Glad to hear the counts are good. Just wish they would stay that way.

Stay inside, keep cool and keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Laura and Frank said...

Atta boy Joshua, So glad to hear the counts are way up!

The heat is totally unbearable during the day so continue to stay air conditioned wherever you are!

Love, Miss Laura & Frank