Thursday, June 17, 2010

Too hot… Day 580 17JUN10

Today was another in a string of scorching days. Joshua did manage to get out and swing for a few minutes but it was short-lived.

The rest of the day was spent in the relative coolness of inside. The boys and I ran a couple of errands together before I had to go off and tech. We always have fun doing simple stuff like grocery shopping with each other. Renee is still feeling a bit under the weather and the boys helped this evening ,while I was gone, to take care of things around the house. Tomorrow is more of the same except they have a play date with Cameron and Jayden up at the pool. I know they are both looking forward to that!


Laura and Frank said...

I love the shades Joshua - but it is definitely too hot to be out in the weather for long. I know you'll enjoy the pool tomorrow.

Hope your Mom is feeling better soon!
Love, Miss Laura & Frank

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

The shades are way cool big guy! I can imagine how hot it must be looking at your toasted grass. And the Passiflora looks like it's leaving for a cooler climate.

I know you and Jarrod are taking good care of Mom while Dad is teaching. I hope she is feeling better today.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
