Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Finally Camp!… Day 621 27JUL10

Joshua and I left this morning and said goodbye to daddy and Jarrod. Lee had to go to work and we were afraid he wouldn't make it back in time. It was Joshua and I until we picked up Pa. He offered to drive over with me to keep me company. It was two hours of Joshua asking "How much longer?" The drive seemed to go a lot quicker for me than for Joshua. Camp Boggy Creek is beautiful. They have everything so organized and well planned that in no time at all we had passed through all four check points and had Joshua set up in his cabin with his counselors. We were the third car to arrive but Joshua was the very first camper to check in! He was excited! After getting him settled and making him promise to take it easy on his ankle, I asked him if he wanted me to hang out a little while since there were no other kids yet or if he was ready for Pa and I to leave. He said "you can go mom!" Ugh! I bravely said ok, grabbed another hug and out the door I headed. I was very good! No tears! I am totally excited for Joshua to finally make it to Camp. He was so disappointed last year when he couldn't go. He is going to have a blast. I told him I wouldn't call to check on him but I know I will!


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Camp is beautiful. And you look right at home! Hope you have a week full of exciting and memorable experiences.

Mom and Dad will survive just fine for a week so don't worry about them. Just have fun.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Laura and Frank said...

The camp looks divine - makes me want to go. I know Joshua will have a wonderful time. Jarrod will have some alone time to work on MindStorm and mom and dad can relax a little. (After getting the house ready for pics). It's hard to say bye to your babies - I don't care how old they are or where they are going. Maybe I'm just a big cry baby.
Love you, Laura and Frank