Monday, July 5, 2010

Rainy hospital day… Day 598 05JUL10

We awoke this morning to rain. Again. Jarrod walked out when he woke up and looking out the window turned to me and asked "IS it ever going to stop raining?"

Renee and Joshua left early to get things started at clinic. He got accessed, got blood drawn, had the doctor take a look at his ankle, got his pentamidine treatment, got vincristine in his port, and got his orders for the day hospital. Jarrod and I made snacks and lunch for everybody and then headed up to the hospital. We watched as once again they put our baby to sleep, which by the way he is really enjoying. Nothing like an 8 year old who likes to get high. He quickly  went to the lands where dreams get lost and the procedure got started. He got his IT methotrexate and Dr. Wynn was done in no time. As we were walking back to his room I asked Dr. Wynn how many LP's this made for him. He laughed and said he quit counting after the second one. Joshua got a good nap in and woke up hungry like always. He had some fruit and then we got him all unhooked and into the car for the ride home. The rest of the day was just another rainy day at home with all of us finding things to do to keep occupied. His ankle is doing much better and Motrin is keeping the pain and swelling at bay. He is supposed to start trying to put some weight on it tomorrow evening to help it heal. He is already tired of the crutches and I am sure he will be happy to ditch them as soon as he can.


Jamie(Sister) said...

Goodness love bug what a busy day.
I hope that your ankle is feeling alot better by tomorrow and hopefully you are able to put some weight on it. =)

I heard when you woke up from your long nap today that you asked for Jarrod. =) I bet that made him feel extra special. =)
We Love you tons and hope you get some sleep tonight.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

LaLa land and crutches. What a combination. I'll be happy to hear the news when you are able to start putting some weight on your ankle.

Enjoy the rain while you have it. Some of us are begging.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Laura and Frank said...

Hey! So glad yesterday was "routine" and went well. Joshua, you are really kicking cancer butt and handling your treatments like the Super Hero you are. Crutches are cool for maybe a day or 2 and then they get old. Hope your ankle is heeled fast.

Jarrod, I read about the dinner party you catered for your Grandpa Gandy and sounds like you're about to go into business. we are so glad you have so many outlets for your various talents, between cooking and LEGO Robotics.

Love, Miss Laura & Frank