The results: nothing notable. There was no sign of any problems. The doctor took two biopsies just to make sure, the results will be back in a couple of days. So we are no closer to solving the mystery.
Joshua had a pretty good day, they left him unhooked after his trip to surgery this morning until 5:00 this evening. He got a chance to walk around and get a little exercise. His counts have dropped again, his ANC was 287. Dr. Rossbach is giving him GCFS again to stimulate his blood cell production. Last time he got the same thing it shot his ANC over 4000. It takes a couple of days to really kick in so he and Renee are still stuck for a while longer. I am pretty sure he will make it home before the weekend hits. As soon as his ANC gets over 500 he can get his next round of chemo and we can get him back on schedule.
This has been another long and unexpected hospital stay. It will take Josh and Renee a week at home to recover from being stuck in the same tiny room all this time. I left Jarrod at the hospital this evening while I went to teach and he got to spend some extra time with his brother and Renee. I think they were going to watch "The Goonies" this evening, wish I could have stayed. It's one of my favorites.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Good news and not so good news! I'm glad they didn't find anything wrong with your stomach and sad the questions still linger. It's always easier to deal with the known than the unknown.
I'm sending billions of wishes your way that you and Mom get to go home real soon. I know you have got to be very tired of the hospital.
How were the Goonies (and what are the Goonies?)
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
ps Another wish - that I could see a new photo of you tomorrow!
The Goonies is a classic! My boys really laughed at... Spaceballs, b/c they love the Star Wars movies. We didn't rent it, we caught it on TBS, so it's more kid friendly that way. Well I travel to Tampa on Wednesdays anyways, so, if it's ok, I might pop in tomorrow morning around 11. If that works, have your mom text me the room number. After all, tomorrow is... Earth Day! Hope you feel better and can go home soon!!!
Im sorry monkey that they didnt find why you are having tummy pain. =( But hey your fever is going down. =) Thats some good news. We are soo proud of you Joshy for doing to awesome at kicking this thing in the butt and keeping that big cute smile on you face. =) I love you and we will see you soon k love bug. =)
I guess I should have threatened to come visit you sooner! I'm so happy to hear you finally got to come home today!!!!!!! So I'll see ya in the morning at your house, woohoo!
Ms. Lydia
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