Joshua is back home for now. He managed to not spike a temperature this afternoon. So, he got his chemo and they ran for the exit. He still has to go back in to the clinic tomorrow to get his PEG shots. But for tonight he is back in his own cozy bed. No nurses to wake him up through the night. They left his port accessed just in case they need to give him meds after he gets the shots. His counts have remained good, only a slight drop in his ANC today.
We talked at length today with Dr. Obzut about what has been going on. The roller coaster ride that is Joshua's counts is not abnormal. Lots of kids swing up and down over a short period of time.
The fevers... I am reasonably sure we will never know the true cause. It could be a lot of different things or a combination of several. He may just be one of the kids that runs a fever while he is getting chemo. We did manage to get a half a point bump though. He now gets to make it up to 101.0 before we have to make the call. A small victory.
So now we do it all over again. We become a whole family one more time. Thankful that we are all under the same roof.
Until next time.
So now we do it all over again. We become a whole family one more time. Thankful that we are all under the same roof.
Until next time.
rankDay 140 and at home! Yea - I hope you are home for your birthday Saturday! You continue to amaze us all with the way you handle it all and still manage to keep a smile. It was great to see you yesterday and hope you got to eat your cupcake. Gotta watch Mom and Jarrod, they'r elike me - chocoholics - need that chocolate fix.
Love to you all and glad you are home. Laura & Frank
DAY 140!! YAY Joshua! Thats great you and mom got to go home. =) I bet you were excited to get out of that hospital bed and into your own. =) The counts are good and you are doing good...awesome awesome. Your birthday is in 2 days!!! Well we love you and cant wait to see you on your birthday love bug!! Keep up the great fighting you are doing, very proud of you monkey butt.
Hey Snaggle Snugle Monkey,
I am so very happy to hear you are home! What a wonderful pre-birthday git for the Gandy Gang.
More later. I am exhausted from my trip - got stuck in Chicago.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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