Tomorrow will be a long day at the hospital for Josh and he is well rested. The weather here has been stellar! Highs in the 70's for the last several days. Our heart goes out to all of our friends and family in less tropical climates... you know who you are ;)
YEA MONKEY DAY 52!! You and Christian had some fun yesterday. =) you guys are such goof balls. =) I hope you have a good day tomorrow monkey . you have one busy day. =) good luck =) i love you guys. see you soon love bug.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
You and Christian are looking great!
What do your Mom & Dad mean by those disparaging remarks about temperatures - some of us actually love the cold weather! It does some really cool (no pun intended) things - it makes the deciduous trees shed their leaves and reveal their souls; it silences a lot of the Spring and Summer noises so we can practice listening....you never know Who you might hear; it keeps us bundled up so we move a little slower and consequently see things we might miss when we are moving faster; it puts the excitement of anticipation in our hearts and minds as we think about all that is to come - the first crocus, the first jonquil, the first leaf bud swelling. Cold weather has other advantages - it takes longer to get dressed (all those layers) so we get to spend extra time with those we love before we have to rush out the door to go to work; it takes longer to get undressed so again, we get to spend extra time with those we love; popcorn and hot chocolate are favorite foods once again - there are so many wonderful things about cold weather (that's temperatures at or below freezing Lee) that make it such a welcome time. Unless, of course ---- it rains!!! All bets are off then and it is just plain miserable, nasty, why is it like this weather. But it doesn't happen very often in some parts of the world (ask Uncle Eric). He gets all the beauty and magnificence of cold weather without the nasty bother of rain!
So happy you are still home Snuggle Monkey. I will be saying extra prayers for you in the next two weeks because this is a very scary time for me.
I love you and cannot wait to see you again. Give your beautiful brothers Jarrod and Christian a hug, kiss your sweet sister Jamie for me and make sure your Dad and Mom, know I love them. While you're at it and if you have the energy, hug and kiss Grandma Mary Ann, Grandpa Ed and Grandma Margaret and Grnadpa Bill for me. Did I forget anybody.......oh, my yes... don't forget Cesar, Hobie, Tornado, Bella and the tweetie pies.
Love, hugs and kisses
Gramma Linda
Hey Josh--
Glad to hear you're well rested!! Prayers are still being said for you out here in sunny Northern California! Here's to a good day tomorrow. Hang in there warrior!! You're doing great. Please hug your mom & dad for me and have them hug you for me too.
Love you,
Michele (& Shasta)
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