At this point having violated the 100.5 mark we call the doctor. We know what they will say. We start packing while we wait for the call back.
The phone rings...
We hit the highway.
We are in a different part of the Children's Hospital this time, no empty beds on the Hematology/Oncology floor for the time being. We get a transfer ticket to hold on to.
The nurses are nice but don't have the same confident manner around Josh that the hem/onc nurses do. The nurse that accessed his port looked kinda nervous. She's qualified but probably doesn't get a whole lot of practice. I watched her like a hawk. She did great.
So begins another mandatory 72 hour stay complete with broad spectrum cefepime, blood cultures, and lots of labs. We are still holding on to the tiniest glimmer of hope that he does not have an infection and that his counts will shoot up by Friday so we can sneak off to camp.
We got him settled in to his room and it was already late so Jarrod and I said goodnight to Joshua and Renee and we trudged back home. We miss them already.
Hey Josh--
You're fighting well, dude! Keep it up!
I'm so excited that you're going to be an uncle. How much fun will you have?!!
Shasta & I are still praying for you out here in California & thinking about you every day!
Tell your mom & dad to hang in there...since they're now going to be grandparents!! :o)
Love you,
Michele (MAC)
Day 69 in the hospital... =( im sorry monkey. i know you will beat this. You are such a fighter and you are doing such a great job joshy!!! I love you always and just keep your head up and stay strong no matter what. =) there are going to me more bumps in this long road monkey and look how far you have come already =) you are a true warrior love bug and you have such a great family standing beside you a helping you every step of the way. =) I hope you get better by friday love bug and you mom dad and jarrod get to go to camp this weekend, just keep fighting and your head up okie dokie smokie!!!!!! I LOVE YOU =)
Hey Little Man,
I hope you get well soon! I'm sure you have been looking forward to this weekends camp. Just stay positive and keep your hopes up. You still have 3 more days to bring your wbc up. That's plenty of time! I'm praying for you little buddy!
Love Roxy
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
I am so sorry to hear you are back in the hospital. Your Mom looks so devastated in the photo. I wish I could give her a hug.
I am hoping you get transferred to familiar territory soon. It's more comfortable when you know your surroundings.
I love you snuggle monkey. Try to keep your spirits up and keep kickin that nasty old cancer in the butt with both feet! If it will help, I'll lend you mine 'cause they're bigger.
Lee and Renee - try to say strong even though it's very difficult. I
Love, hugs and kisses
Gramma Linda
I was just up there today picking up my daughter's CD of her CT Scan from Monday, which is why I missed your mom's call. Since I can't challenge you tomorrow in our battleship game, I guess I'll have to give you some homework.
1. When he least expects it, give your brother a wet-willy (make sure mom is there to protect you).
2. Tell one of the nurses she dropped her pocket and see if she looks down (do right before shift change to be on the safe side).
3. Since we have been studying verbs, ask your doctor what his favorite verb is. Make him use it in a sentence.
Ummm, what else.... oh! You have an amazing smile, so it is now part of your mandatory unform. I'll see ya next week buddy!!!
Ms. Lydia
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