Tomorrow we go back to the hospital for more blood work, possibly another transfusion, radiation, chemo, and a spinal tap. Hopefully Joshua has managed to get his counts up over the weekend so he will not need any more blood and we can continue with everything else planned for the day.
DAY 60! With mom and Jarrod!! Love this picture. Im glad you guys had another good day. =) You and jarrod do have great imaginations, Thats what makes you two so smart and wonderful little boys!! I love you guys so much . Day 6 of radiation monkey you will do great and keep fighting to get that wbc up again. ! We ll i hope every one has a good day tomorrow!!! And we love moms new hair cut, it looks great=) Well we will see you soon k love bug!! Keep smiling and being a great warrior!!! Bella says hi to every one and she misses you guys already.
XOXO LOVE JAMIE BELL AND CHRISTIAN( and the little one in my tummy!) =)
Day 60 big fella! You are doing a fantastic job kickin butt! It's great to see such a wonderful pic of mom and her sons. Renee, I love your new hair style!
Keep up the good work!
Love, Miss Laura
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