Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 53 Update - 04JAN09

Joshua spent today resting and enjoying the last (almost) day of Christmas break. Monday will be spent at the hospital and Tuesday starts the new school year. 

The Gandy Home School for Ridiculously Cute and Insanely Intelligent Boys officially opens it doors on Tuesday! Miss Renee the school's top teacher can not wait for her students to return from their long break. 


Laura and Frank said...

Congratulations for day 53! I know the Gandy School for Ridiculously Cute & Insane boys will be a huge success! The teacher is a pushover sometimes but when she sets her mind to it, she can be extremely determined to handly the unruly boys:) So cut her some slack the 1st couple of days so you don't end up sitting in a corner!

Love, Laura & Frank

Jamie(Sister) said...

DAY 53 JOSHY!! YAY.... LONG DAY TOMORROW!! i know you will do great! =) and THE GANDY SCHOOL sure does have some cute and very smart boys. But you have to make sure you are very good students to your knew teacher. =) I love you monkey butt and see you soon okie dokie smokie. =) Bella says hi and that she misses her to favorite boys and her grandma and grandpa. =) i know im slacking on the blog. i gotta get back up there..... =) lol