Thursday, April 30, 2009

Back to normal... Day 169 30APR09

Today was business as usual at the Gandy ranch. Josh did a little school work, Jarrod did a lot. Joshua has taken to eating about every thirty minutes when he is awake. His acceptable menu has been reduced to four items: turkey slices; american cheese; pretzels; and ranch dressing. It is almost a full time job to keep up with his kitchen requests. We are glad that he is eating but we have got to figure out a way to expand his menu a little. Joshua is doing well otherwise, he took a little nap this afternoon but has had a good energy supply for the rest of the day. Tomorrow is more of the same with a chance of some fun thrown in.


Jamie(Sister) said...

Having many good days monkey!! Thats awesome your energy level is good and you are eating love bug. =) But what else is out there for little Joshy to eat..?? ; ) I love hearing good news about you Joshua it puts a big smile on my face and im sure it does the same for everyone else. Well i love you tons and keep up with your school work and same to you Jarrod we will be sure to see you guys this weekend. =) Love you


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Wonderful to hear you have energy and are eating. Are you putting the Ranch dressing on the cheese?

Hearing you are doing better is as good as sunshine on my shoulders. I love the feeling it gives.

Keep getting stronger little warrior.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
