Joshua had a busy day today. He started this morning with an hour of physical therapy. He has a lot more energy and he really put a lot of effort into doing his exercises this morning. He had a lot of fun with anything that involved kicking a ball. It is great to watch him laughing and having fun.
After a little eating it was time for school work. Ms. Lydia came to work with him at noon. This was a sad day though, after today Ms. Lydia will not be Joshua's homeschool teacher anymore. We are going to miss her. Joshua has been doing really well lately on his schoolwork, he actually enjoys it.
Right after school was done Josh left with Jarrod to go with Renee to her knee doctor. She has been getting, really painful, shots into her knee to try and help it get better. So far it seems to be working. When they all got back I had diner waiting and we had a nice meal together. Josh is his lest favorite status after he goes to sleep tonight. The dreaded NPO. It is definitely tough when a child who is eating all the time can't eat all the time.
In the morning Josh and Renee will be leaving real early to get to the clinic and get his counts. If he qualifies he is in for the deluxe chemo treatment and an overnight stay. We are pretty sure he will qualify but you never know until the results are back. Jarrod and I will prepare a small, well maybe not really small, portable banquet to take to the eating machine. He will definitely be hungry when he wakes up. Hopefully all will go as planned.
I am so proud of Josh and how hard he has worked this entire year. I didn't want him to see me cry, so I told him I'd see him soon instead of good bye. I'll be sending happy thoughts your way today, I know it will be a long one for him. Let me know when he wants some company & I'll bring the kiddos over for a play date. Plus I need a war re-match!!!
Ms. Lydia
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
My everything in the world is crossed that your counts are where they need to be this morning.
It's sad to see a dear friend leave. I know you will miss Ms. Lydia but I'm sure she is not out of your life - you just won't see her as often now.
Tell your Mom I am so sorry her knee is giving her trouble and I hope the shots work magic and leave her pain free.
I'll be thinking about you (but then I always do) today, hoping everything goes as planned and wondering what sort of feast your Dad and Chef Jarrod will create to delight your palate.
Chow down mighty warrior. You are one tremendous butt kicker.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
I love you Joshy! You are such an awesome trooper! You are doing great at everything you are doing and that means that you are doing the best you can which is working out wonderfully for you. =)Thats great that you are still a little eating machine. Its not to great for me im gaining a good amount of weight but i still have 3 months to go so i gotta watch it. =( Thats a bummer about mrs. Lidia =( I hope that your new teacher will be as cool and nice as her!! Well i love you love bug and hope to see you soon k.
ps.Mom hope your knee feels better love you
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