Friday, June 5, 2009

Long day... Day 205 05JUN09

Today was a long day. It seemed like it went on forever and ever. We are all really tired after last night. Joshua and Renee slept in a little and had a good day. His counts are still a little low but he is not acting like it, he spent the day playing and having fun. No more head pains presented themselves today. It may have been a residual effect of the steroids, who knows. We will unfortunately have to chalk this one up in the mysterious unexplained worry the heck out of parents category.

I was gone all day and into the night working... I think. Things got a little fuzzy sometime after lunch.

With any luck Joshua will have a good weekend and his counts will turn around and start climbing back up so he can qualify on Wednesday. Until then we will keep a close eye on him and keep making whatever food he craves at the moment.


Nonna said...

Good Morning Snuggle Monkey,

Whew! No more headache - how wonderful. I hope it stays that way 'cause headaches aren't fun for anybody - especially a mighty warrior.

I'm glad you and Mom were able to sleep in and get some much needed rest. Poor Dad - had to go to work in a semi-stupor. Ask him for me please why he was still up after 11pm and not in bed sleeping? I'll have to have a chat with him about taking better care of himself!

Glad to hear you had a good day and I am crossing everything known to man in hopes that your counts continue to climb upward and you qualify next week.

Hang tough Mighty Warrior. You are a champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

Yay no more head pains! Thats awesome that you had a good day today monkey! I hope you have a good weekend and hopefully by wednesday your counts will be really high and you qualify. =) I miss you guys. We were hoping to see everyone at the Gandys but im still a little sick and i wanna be 100% a-ok when i see you guyslove bug. Keep up the awesome work