He went to VBS this morning and had a lot of fun. Jarrod is on the VBS staff for the first time this year and he was making sure that Joshua was well taken care of.
After he got home and even though he has been running a low grade fever he had a play date with Cameron and Jayden. I took Jarrod to go bowling so it was just the little guys this time. Joshua really appreciated the fact that he was going to a play date without us or his older brother. It was a chance for him to be a little independent and enjoy himself. Renee and I can't think of a safer place than over at Jim and Sally's for Joshua to be.
He was pretty tired by the time he got home but his fever had left him. After a good dinner that Jarrod helped prepare he crashed on the sofa. His head was as cool as ever when I checked on him a little while ago.
Good Morning Snuggle "Elf Man" Monkey,
You are absolutely the most beautiful (if you will allow me the use of this adjective) elf look-alike I have ever ecountered. Inside and outside!
VBS sounds like lots of fun - especially with Jarrod on staff. He is indeed a wonderful brother (not to mention a great cook).
I though we were going to dismiss the "F" word from our lives! Did somebody forget to tell it that it had been banished? I'll try to send it some evil unwelcoming thoughts from here.
I'm relieved you captured the critter that was under your bed. It wouldn't be fun to awaken in the middle of the night and have it try and take over your pillow!
Hang tough mighty warrior - you are a champion.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
VBC HU... Thats great that Jarrod is always making sure that you are taken care of Joshy. He is a wonderful big brother!!! Well at least you wont have a little tube hanging from your chest on Fathers day love bug!!! =)
Play dates are always the best. =) especially when you get to have them to yourself for the first time. =) I love you monkey butt and we will for sure see you guys this weekend!!!
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